Not only are expectant moms (dads-to-be), rushing around, worried, stressed, they cannot capitalize on what partnering with birthing partners, working out as part of birth preparations, attend prenatal workouts, classes, hydra-therapy, enjoying the buoyancy and weightlessness the water provides, calm, tranquility, deep breathing of yoga and Pilates types workouts, with support and interaction with others in the same boat, lifts spirits and moods and ensures a balanced, healthier pregnancy all-round.
It is a well-known fact that nutrition, diet, food choices, balanced eating habits, more fresh produce and such habits are good for expectant moms, as are increased, continued physical activity, no medications, smoking, alcohol or drug use affect pregnancy from start to finish. Put another way, paying attention to weight loss (pre-pregnancy priority), healthy weight level, sustaining, management and control, as well as combining it with regular physical activity levels, assist in reducing problems and complications, even making coping with labor-and-delivery pains better, just all-round improvement and benefits, for both mother and fetus during as well as after pregnancy.
Therefore making maintaining a healthy weight, both before and during pregnancy, as well as regular daily activity, physical exercise, workouts, sports, hobbies, walking, swimming etc. can help to reduce stress on the mother's body and lower the risk of certain disorders of pregnancy.
If it is a top priority being active before and during pregnancy, with the approval and insight, consultation of your health and fitness care provider, and not putting the health and wellbeing of mom/baby at risk, can actually help women maintain their healthy weight, as well as significantly improve the function of the circulatory, cardiovascular, and skeletal systems. Which can also assist in getting back to normalcy sooner in the post-delivery phase and having better, speedier recovery and no complications.