Avoid, counteract and reduce any aggravated or serious constipation, stimulate blood flow and circulation throughout the body, Improve digestion, fight heartburn, accelerate any movement in your intestines and through the digestive system.
Do not merely start an exercise routine, while/during pregnancy, without discussing it with your treatment professional(s).
Exercise during pregnancy will make you more conscious of deliberately improving your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs. These types of exercises will also prepare you better for what lies ahead in labor and delivery as you enter the final stages of the nine-month journey.
If you gain less fat during your pregnancy, losing whatever you did gain, is not that big of a deal.
Impact, exertion level, complexity, risk, type of exercise, solely performed, or with support of equipment or another person, heart-rate, underlying medical conditions, fitness levels, risk to the fetus, all play into what is most appropriate for which trimester. Every mom and pregnancy will be different, so proceed with caution, especially for high-risk pregnancies.
Exercise and workouts, any physical activity for that matter will and can act as an instant stress reliever, that helps you look, feel and even sleep better. Controlled breathing is such a key element, especially in natural child birth, that the more you can practice and hone this skill, the better off you will most likely be. If the labor process is extended, lengthy and/or drawn out, then you will benefit from stamina and endurance, fueled by all the healthy preparation and exercises, workouts you put your body through, while waiting and getting ready.
Most women can easily, without much consultation and supervision, continue to exercise as normal/typical for them (at least in the very beginning) This does assume that you were active and had a routine, regimen before the pregnancy.
Protect your joints, wrists and ankles, as they are more vulnerable during pregnancy, softening significantly attributed to the hormonal fluctuations in the body, which is all part of the normal process.
You will not be losing any weight while working out while pregnant as this is not the goal or neither should it be your priority. Rather focus on your overall health, well-being, a healthy pregnancy and baby, maintaining your pre-pregnancy fitness level throughout pregnancy.