Friday, 28 September 2007

Pregnancy: Home Pregnancy Tests

Most women become aware of a pregnancy when they have missed a period and may have some other pregnancy symptoms such as morning nausea etc., it’s at this point, that they want to be sure of the pregnancy. The home pregnancy test is very simple and can tell you in just 5 minutes, whether you are pregnant or not.

It’s easily available off the shelf and there are many companies that offer the home pregnancy test kits. You can find them at grocery shops, at your local pharmacist or chemist and at all general stores and supermarkets such as Wal-Mart. You can also buy the home pregnancy test kits online. They are cheaper as they have less packaging. But they are as effective as other home tests. In fact, your gynae will also give you a home pregnancy test kit to determine your pregnancy. It’s completely safe and can be used anywhere.

Home pregnancy test kits are usually great at detecting on the first day after you have missed your periods. There are some other tests which are more sensitive and can tell you before your missed period too. But these tests may not always be as reliable as the home pregnancy tests.

How does the home pregnancy test kit work. They work on a very simple thing. When a woman is pregnant, the body releases human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. The tests measure the quantity of the hormone in the urine. The body starts releasing this hormone after 10-14 days after the woman has conceived.

Therefore it’s best to take the test right after you have missed a period. The home kits would have a holder and a receptor. You would collect the urine in the holder and put a few drops on the receptor. If there are two lines, congratulations, this means that you are pregnant. If there is only a single line, this means that you aren’t pregnant. Some of the tests also show a positive sign and a negative sign. Be sure to follow the instructions clearly to understand, what the symbol indicates.
If you want to take a pregnancy test at a later date, then you need to store it as per instructions. In case it’s stored at a temperature which is higher or lower than advised by the company, the test result may not be correct.

Very few things can affect the pregnancy tests. These tests are accurate and work well under all conditions. Some of the conditions that don’t affect the hCG hormone are the fertility drugs, antibiotics, allergy medications etc. These will in no way affect the outcome of the result.

What should you do when you get the news? Well, the first thing is that you should visit a midwife or a gynecologist. They will calculate when the baby is due according to the first day of your last period. Prescribe some tonics and vitamins such as folic acid and tell you about the changes to expect. You would also get an ultrasound done every trimester and feel your tummy swell up even as you start feeling the baby grow inside you.

Pregnancy: Getting Off The Pill To Get Pregnant

The birth control pill has been a boon for women all over the world. It has given them the power to decide when they want to have children. Of course to have a baby, the woman needs to get off the pill. The oral contraceptive pills have to be discontinued when a woman or a couple want to conceive.

Whichever contraception pill the woman is taking will have detailed instructions on how to start and stop the use of the pill. You should follow the instructions carefully to increase the chances of having a pregnancy. You can also go to your family physician or midwife who can help you understand when to stop taking the pill. Follow instructions to make sure that you can conceive without any problem.

It was earlier believed that if you get pregnant before the second cycle after stopping the pill, you may be at a risk. Doctors believed that if you conceived right after you stopped taking the pill, you may be at higher risk of miscarriage. This theory is no longer valid.

But this is not the case any more. You can even get pregnant even before the first cycle is due. In that case, it can sometimes get difficult to pinpoint the due date of the child. When you quit taking the pills, it’s usually 4-6 weeks before you ovulate. It’s not necessary that the moment you quit taking the pill, you may conceive instantly. Sometimes it can take up to a year even for a normal healthy couple to conceive a child. It’s all a matter of timing. Sometimes even Mother Nature needs some help. Sometimes your doctor may also prescribe some fertility drugs for the couple to increase the chances of conceiving.

There are no side effects of the pill on the baby to come. However if you are planning to have a baby, then there are few precautions that you must take. If you are too thin or too fat, you may not be able to conceive. Therefore it’s advisable to keep a healthy weight. You should also stop taking drugs, stop smoking and drinking. All these factors have adverse effect on the baby. Those who continue to take drugs or are smokers (even passive smokers) have irritable babies. The babies may have low birth weight and may be susceptible to diseases. Their immune system may also suffer easily.

Stress may be another factor that affects the pregnancy. Stress can lead to more irritable babies. Therefore it’s advisable for mothers to be and pregnant women to keep their stress levels at check. It can lead to an increase in their heartbeat and can continue even after your stress levels have come down. This doesn’t mean that every time you are in stress, your baby will be affected; it’s just that extreme stress levels should be kept in check.

When you are sure that you have conceived, take a home pregnancy to check the results. After the results are positive, visit the gynecologist who would tell you about what to expect for the coming nine months.

Pregnancy: What To Eat During Pregnancy

The first trimester of the pregnancy can be quite queasy. Most pregnant women experience either morning or evening sickness. It’s not necessary that all women may experience nausea. Many women have been known to simply breeze through their pregnancy. It may also be difficult for women to get up in the morning. The best part to do is to keep some crackers by the bedside. Before getting up from the bed, simply nibble on the crackers and get up slowly. There are no dietary restrictions in the first trimester of the pregnancy.

You can eat whatever you have been accustomed to. Sometimes strong odors can turn off pregnant women. Some may actually eat less that their normal diet. Don’t worry, the baby won’t be affected. But make sure that you eat nutritious diet. You should include green salads, yoghurts, and nuts, chicken and fish as well as lots of fruit. Don’t go overboard and start eating too much. This will make you put on a lot of weight which can become difficult to shed.

You should refrain from all alcoholic drinks, drugs and smoking. All of this affect the baby directly and must be stopped instantly.

In the second trimester, its smooth sailing, since the feeling of nausea would have passed. This is the time to eat healthy and right. The baby is growing inside your tummy and is demanding more energy than ever. During this semester, you may also experience some back pain and sore swelling of the feet. It’s important to take breaks between your works. Prop up on a pillow, when you sit. Ensure that you add 300 calories more to your existing diet. Eat sensibly since you should gain some weight. But don’t eat for two as you may put on undesirable weight and your doctor may even be forced to put you on a diet. You should include plenty of milk and yoghurt as well as green vegetables.

Have three meals a day and some short snacks in between. You should aim for a balanced diet that should include carbohydrates, proteins, lean protein and plenty of calcium that is found in milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese. Keep the intake of saturated fats to a minimum. You should also keep a check on the intake of coffee and aerated drinks.

The third trimester can make many a pregnant mother go crazy. With your movements becoming restricted, the bulging belly can also make you more stress prone. You actually want the baby to come out the next instant instead of waiting for the entire trimester o get over. At this point, you may feel full quickly. Since you are gaining weight fast, it can be quite a depressing thing. Moreover your frequent trips to the bathroom may leave you exhausted.

Don’t cut down on your fluid intake especially water. Control coffee as its diuretic. You will also feel the baby inside you kicking and sleeping can become problematic. Carry on the diet as you have been for the last trimester, just take it easy.

Pregnancy: Traveling While Pregnant

Nine months is too long to expect women not to travel. Doctors may limit travel in the last trimester of the pregnancy. The way to travel is to travel smart. Your body is undergoing change and the baby will get more demanding. It’s important to take some precautions, when you are traveling while been pregnant.

Whether you are traveling by plane, boat or bus, these precautions will be applicable for you. You should always ask your gynecologist before you travel. They may also prescribe some anti nausea and constipation medication while you travel. You should wear well fitted shoes and clothes which aren’t too tight to restrict you.

Always take along small bites and snacks with you while you are traveling. Ensure that you also carry water to help you stay hydrated. This will also keep the levels of your blood sugar levels maintained. You may get stuck at the airport or in a traffic jam. These snacks will keep away hunger and prevent your nausea too. It’s important that you your carry vitamins and prescribed medication while on a vacation.

Move around while you are traveling. Stretch out you limbs while traveling in a car. You should also walk inside the plane. This will relieve you of a sore back and swelling feet. Don’t keep your feet dangling for too long. This may lead to swelling in your feet. Let the airline know that you are pregnant while traveling. Pregnant mothers and mothers of new born babies are usually allocated seats next to the toilets in the airline. They are also given the front seats to enable them to stretch out.

Carry a copy of your pregnancy reports as well as your prenatal reports with you. Many countries are apprehensive if you’re traveling to foreign countries. They need to be convinced that you plan to only take a vacation and aren’t thinking of delivering a baby in that country. Remember you can be offloaded for this reason.

You should also carry your medical insurance records and the numbers of local doctors as well as your own doctor while traveling. This ensures that you can reach them in case there are any emergencies. Keep your doctor informed about where you are traveling and the number of days you plan to be out of town. Keep your travel to a minimum in the third trimester. With a bulging belly, it can take quite an effort to just move around.

In fact sometime the baby may even decide to come before the due date. For this reason, it’s advisable that you keep the baby bag packed to meet any eventualities of rushing to the hospital. When pregnant, ensure that you keep the neighbors informed. Since in case of an emergency, they may be the first ones to rush you to the hospital.

Traveling can make people dehydrated. It’s important to be hydrated at all items for pregnant women. Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid all aerated drinks and alcohol. Also limit your daily intake of coffee.

Pregnancy: Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are inevitable during the pregnancy. Almost 90% of all pregnant women the world over will get the stretch marks. Stretch marks are caused when the collagen separates from the kin. It also happens when a person becomes thin or gains too much weight. Stretch marks can appear on the belly, the buttocks, and thighs and on the hands too. They can also appear on the breast. The breast also become large and the nipples can become bigger. The areoles (the area around the nipples) can also appear to be darker. The breast is also getting ready for the baby to breast feed.

The intensity of the stretch marks can differ from person to person. The causes for stretch marks are many. You may have a family history of pregnant women in your family having stretch marks; this means that you have more chances of getting the stretch marks. The earlier pregnancy may have left some stretch marks. The new pregnancy may darken the stretch makes and also add on some more stretch marks.

If you have gained weight rapidly, the stretch marks may be more and visible more. If you have also lost weight rapidly, you may also get stretch marks. If you have a number of pregnancies, then your chances of having stretch marks will increase. It can also depend upon the ethnicity. African American women have less stretch mark than white Caucasian females.

Those who are light skinned will have pinkish stretch marks while those women who have a darker skin will get stretch marks that are lighter than the surrounding area of the skin. These marks can fade over the time. While some women don’t think much of them, however some want the marks to be removed surgically.

While you can’t prevent stretch marks, you can certainly make sure that they are less. The first thing is to keep your skin hydrated. Apply plenty of Vaseline or any other cream to make your skin soft and supple. This will also relieve the itchy and tingling feeling of the skin.

Melanotropin is secreted more during pregnancy rather than in normal times. This can cause darkening around the face and on the forehead. Sunlight may aggravate the problem. This usually goes away when the pregnancy comes to a full term. All women would get a dark line which extends from their belly button to the top of their uterus. It will go away aft the birth of the baby. It’s a slightly off centre line that grows darker with the pregnancy. It’s a myth that pregnant mothers having baby boys will see the line. It appears for all pregnant mothers to be.

The easiest way of reducing the marks is to keep the areas such as arms, thighs and belly moisturized at all times. Keep your weight during the pregnancy in check and eat right and drink plenty of fluids. While you may not be able to prevent them, but you can surely keep them to a minimum.

Pregnancy: Getting Back To Weight

All women put on extra weight during the pregnancy period and this continues even after the delivery of the child. This becomes a concern for women who want to relive the moments when they were smart and want to let go of the additional 15 to 30 pounds they have put on during their pregnancy periods.

In order to get back to pre-pregnancy stage, a formal workout program is required to be followed strictly. Regular work outs after pregnancy help to get rid of the extra fats the body has gained by burning them through regular exercises. These are also important for the women to stay fit and healthy to take care of their baby, home and family.

It is recommended to start to work out six weeks after delivery. This is recommended to let the body take the required rest. In this intermediate period, women can gradually start light exercises like walking and deep breathing. These are helpful in enhancing women’s stamina that is critically required to take care of the infant.

It must be remembered that weight loss after the pregnancy period is a gradual phenomenon and does not happen overnight. You need to be consistent and dedicated to the work outs and other exercises if you want to really lose some pounds and get back to the old you. The usual process takes around 7 to 9 months after the end of pregnancy period to get back to old form. The process can be expedited though, using appropriate diet and taking care of oneself.

It is generally advisable to feed the baby before the work out instead of after it. This is because the feeding process relaxes the breasts, and makes them lighter. This would help in the work out process. One disadvantage of doing it after the work out is that it might increase the quantity of lactic acid in breast milk which the baby might not like.
In order to carefully develop your work out schedule, consult your doctor for advice. In addition, try not to strain any muscle by doing complex exercises, keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, appropriate diet must be taken to ensure the body gets all the required nutrition.

Another critical area is to keep your self happy and involved after the pregnancy period. Sadness may spoil your attitude and this together with the excess pounds that you have managed to put on, can work against you.
You can also join a gym to ensure that you get proper advice from experts in your weight losing campaign. Some women prefer to stay at home to take care of their babies. If this is the case with you, you can do basic exercises at home too. Get some DVDs and use them at your home.

Altogether, you should follow a properly laid down plan to ensure that you get back to the same smart you that you were before the pregnancy period.

Pregnancy: Tell Everyone

The news of your pregnancy spreads far and away at speed of light. There are various ways you can announce that you are pregnant to friends and families and these are worth taking the time to think and prepare for. The announcement of the arrival of a new member in the family is both exciting and joyous occasion for the entire family, especially in the case of your first baby in the house. We have presented a few idea on how to best feel the moment of announcing your child’s arrival, but you can use your own imagination and creativity and think of other ideas as well.

To tell the father, it is best to have a candle light romantic dinner just for the two of you. The warm, cosy, and lovely atmosphere will make you fall in love with your partner again and will provide one of the best ways to let him know the news. But be careful not to over do the arrangements as it might backfire if your partner is a spendthrift.

Besides, this might be your last night before the sunrise sickness that will become a routine very soon. Serve the food to him, along with soft words and emotional expressions. You can either tell him straight or use other means like a bib with a couple of babies on it and let him guess. You would not forget the pleasure and love that you will see in his eyes.

If the father is not available right away, probably not in town or busy with other stuff; you can either wait for him to come back or send him a note to let him know about your pregnancy. If you choose the latter option, try sending a package to him with items having predominantly baby photos and related items. These might include a book with baby names, a blue or pink ball pen, a photo of you too in a baby like frame and other stuff. Avoid telling him the news in a straight forward fashion and instead send him the signals that will allow him to make the right guess (please be aware of your partner’s intellectual capabilities and do not send him something that he can not understand!).

You can also find out how long he takes to figure out that you have got pregnant. Buy some baby stuff and place it in the house at points the father is most likely to encounter them. If he does not get it even then, you can arrange the dinner with a stuffed bear toy along side your partner’s chair having a large bib wrapped around it that says, “Hello Daddy”.

To let the family and friends know about your pregnancy, you can wear t-shirts with an appropriate text on it that says it all without you have to say it yourself. If this is the first baby in the family, you should expect quite an excited family gathering around you a number of questions coming your way.

Pregnancy: Do's and Don't's

Pregnancy brings with itself a number of changes in your life. These include moments of happiness and joy; as well as stress and pain. With everybody giving his/ her opinion about the do’s and dont’s in the pregnancy period, it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. I have compiled some of the important factors that should be kept in mind to ensure a happy, safe and joyous pregnancy period.

You must avoid certain food items during the pregnancy period. These include uncooked and semi cooked meat, soft cheese, some of the seafood and other dishes that might cause miscarriages and birth defects.

Obtain a complete list of food items from your doctor or medical advisor, which have to be discontinued for the period of pregnancy.

Smoking can be a disastrous choice if continued for the period of pregnancy. The recent researches have proved that it can cause birth defects, premature births and miscarriages. In addition, if your partner smokes, the second hand smoke may result in the similar unfortunate events and hence, this must be avoided at all costs.

Stay away from cats and other pets as far as possible since there are bacteria in their fur and bodies that might cause undesired effects on the baby and mother.

Studies have proved that excessive intake of caffeine is harmful to mothers and babies and might result into miscarriages and low birth weight. 300 milligrams and more amounts to excessive amount of caffeine and should be avoided.

When moving inside the house, try to avoid getting into contact with aerosol cans, solvents, paint fumes and other similar things which have a history of causing problems to both pregnant women and might also result in a permanent disability of the child. If you can afford it, it is a much better idea to stay away from the household work for the period of pregnancy.

Hot baths and saunas are better to be avoided during pregnancy period. You have to keep your body temperature under strict watch and must note any irregular changes. This is critical for the health of your child. Try to keep yourself hydrated all the time.

Alcohol is a strict no during the pregnancy period. You should not take a risk with your baby’s life by sticking to alcohol and drugs during pregnancy. Observe the impact of alcohol on a grown-up and imagine how it would impact some one as small as your child. This could lead to birth defects and miscarriages.

It is recommended to do moderate level of exercise during pregnancy. The body parts get tensed hence it is a good idea to get them back in order through light exercise. Avoid doing difficult and complex aerobics for obvious reasons. Massages during pregnancy can also make you relax and help in relieving the stress you might have. But consult an expert before undertaking any of these.

Though it seems that pregnancy is associated with a number of banned activities, yet the purpose of these is to ensure that you remain healthy during pregnancy and get a healthy and normal baby.

Pregnancy: Massage

Almost all women feel stressed out during pregnancy period. One of the techniques to relieve the nerves and get over the stress during pregnancy is to get a prenatal massage. This is an expert field for doctors, nurses, labor nurses and educators in the child birth domains.

A massage during pregnancy helps to relieve nerves and provides a relaxing feeling. In addition, it increases blood circulation and results in to calmness and relief from stress. It helps to reduce labor pain and enhances tissue and skin pliability. Hence, the pregnancy massage provides mental and physical support to mothers while ensuring their medical systems continue operation effectively.

It is critical to get the pregnancy massage from a professional with expertise in this area. You do not want to put undue pressure on various parts of your body during pregnancy. Hence, only experts should be contacted to get a smooth experience and to minimize the stress that many women feel during pregnancy.

While providing pregnancy massage, it is important to have some knowledge about the anatomy of the pregnant women and act accordingly. Though there are no great variations, yet care should be taken to provide a relaxing feeling to the pregnant mothers. The massage should be provided on a proper massage table which should be set up in a somewhat reclining position. This does not only provide added comfort to the mother but is also safe for the baby. Some people prefer to use tables with whole belly cuts, but experience has shown that this causes stress to lower back and hence should be avoided in most cases.

In addition, it is recommended to keep dim lights in the massage room. This will result in a relaxing atmosphere which could be exploited using soft music in the room. It is important to change the music if it does not feel right to the mothers’ ears. Some light perfumes might add to the tranquility of the scene. The purpose is to provide as much relaxation as possible. In ideal situations, your partner should do the massage.

The postpartum massages are very effective in turning your body back to its pre-pregnancy condition. Their main objective is to relieve the stress from carrying the baby and to relax you from the not-so-easy job of caring your child.

For the massage, it is important to apply force with care. You do not want to massage rudely to cause pain to the pregnant mother. The guidelines for therapist are simple. The nails should be short and no rings or jewelry should be worn at the time of giving massages. The room should have ventilation points but you do not want the room to be overly cooled since it might result into stretching the nerves in some women. A warm and cozy environment is preferred in most circumstances. The ideal duration for the pregnancy massage is from 25 minutes to 40 minutes depending upon its effectiveness, and can be repeated once every two days for maximum results.

Pregnancy: Minimizing Stretchmarks

As soon as you hear the news that you are pregnant, you know things will be changed henceforth. This news brings, along with the happiness and joy, a concern and apprehension about the days to follow; especially if this is your first child.

One of the consequences of getting pregnant is that you might (and will) get stretch marks on your body. These marks are due to the fact that your body will stretch during pregnancy days and that leaves red, purple, or transparent marks on various parts of the body.

It is difficult to say with certainty where the marks will appear. They might show up on thighs, buttocks, arms, breasts or stomach. Almost all women get these stretch marks during pregnancy but it is impossible to tell whether, where, and how many of these will develop on your body skin.

There are hundreds of companies selling thousands of products, creams, and lotions to assist in prevention of stretch marks and to remove them once they show up on the body. In addition to using one of these, you can use other home grown tactics to prevent against these marks. It is recommended to keep the skin moist at all times. This would help your skin to stretch without tearing itself. In addition, keep abreast with latest discoveries in the field by keeping in close contact with your medical advisor or doctor.

If you are really serious to get rid of these stretch marks as soon as possible, you need to devise a daily plan for it to happen. Using appropriate creams and lotions that suit your skin, keeping yourself fit and eating healthy are some of the factors that can provide you with a stretch mark-free skin even during pregnancy period. High water intake on daily basis helps a lot.

For women who already have one or more children, the probability of getting more stretch marks is higher. There skins have already stretched and are about to stretch again this time as well without exception. It is best to start using vitamin A and vitamin E during early stages of the pregnancy to ensure that stretch marks do not form or at least are minimized.

Although it should be kept in mind that you can not do much about these and hence, there is no need to worry too much. The most you can do is to take good diet, keep yourself healthy and use the ointments after consulting with your doctor and trying them out to see their effect on your skin before using them for longer periods of time.

The best thing about the stretch marks though, is that they keep reminding you after the pregnancy about the beautiful days you spent with your child inside you. This is one of the greatest feeling a mom can have each time she looks at her son or daughter even after years. So, do not be too alarmed with the stretch marks, these are with you since the time you felt the best pain in the world.

Pregnancy: A Beautiful Time

Pregnancy is the most exciting and beautiful period of woman's life. This is also one very emotional phase a woman goes through in her life time. Just imagine how amazing it is to realize that another life is growing inside you?

You are bringing a new life into this world. You are making another human being, who can talk, walk, do all the things, within you. It is something that only God can do as we were told stories when we were kids. It sure is full of anxiety and uncertainty but yet not necessary to have sleepless nights.

A mother loves her all children equally and every pregnancy is always as special to a woman may it be a first one or fourth. A mom always wants and prays for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Pregnancy: Changes

Generally, there's no real way to tell whether a woman is pregnant especially for three months. It’s a doctor's report that confirms that the woman is pregnant.

However, there are certain symptoms that can tell that a woman is expecting a baby. Certain hormonal changes take place in body when a woman is pregnant. As earlier stage symptoms, you can expect constipation, nausea, backaches and cramps when you get pregnant.

There are other changes too that tell you that you are pregnant.

A missed period is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. In mere about a week after conception, your body undergoes hormonal changes. You start to have backaches, cramps, constipation and missed period or bleeding in less than normal are the things you can expect at the early stage of pregnancy. Your breasts become tender and nipples get darker.

Pregnancy: Rest Needed

When you are pregnant, you need to rest a lot. Your body feels exhaustion and gets tired even doing nothing. This might start after one to six weeks and might not be the temporary phase. You might just feel very tired and worn out through out the pregnancy period.

Another thing is that you'd be as hungry as anything all the time. Eating is what you just can't stop. But you shouldn't control over it. you have to keep in mind that you are eating for two people at that time.

However, you should eat health and nutritious food only. You can consult with doctor about what to eat and what to avoid during your pregnancy.

During earlier days of your pregnancy, you might get very irritated and moody. Mood swings at these times might get worse than those from PMS and its all due to hormonal surges.

Pregnancy: Things to Expect

Women develop very sensitive sense to smell during earlier pregnancy. The worst things you won't like while being pregnant is that you'll need to urinate frequently and you tend to loss you control over controlling it. After two to ten weeks of conceiving you might also get headaches, nausea and vomiting. Vomiting whole day is pretty normal for many pregnant woman even is it is termed as "morning sickness". These are all due to the hormonal change in body, due to pregnancy. Once you are sure that there's a baby inside you, you'll have to totally give up consuming any kind of alcohol and tobacco products.

It is more confirming to get a doctor's report before you jump into any conclusion. There are other home based tests also that are reliable enough to satisfy your queries. However, there are other pregnancy test you can take for your conformity. These tests are easily available in pharmacies, stores and local clinics. There are basically two types of pregnancy tests; urine and blood pregnancy test. Both work the same way. They check for the presence of HcG and consequently for the presence of the pregnancy. HcG is a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This particular hormone is produced by the cells in the uterus and so is found in pregnant woman only and tends to rise as the pregnancy develops. However, these tests are not always 100% accurate. They mostly depend on the brand and also on the way it is used.

Urine test is the most popular pregnancy test and can be easily found in any store and pharmacy. It is also an easy process. Any woman with suspicion of pregnancy can buy the test kit and perform it easily in the privacy of home. However, one should very carefully read the instructions and use it very correctly. A wrong step can give a wrong result. Another method of testing is blood test. This may be performed a health clinic or the doctor's office. This is more reliable and can also show the maturity of the pregnancy.

Pregnancy: Sleep Soundly

When you are pregnant, it is very important that you get complete rest. Try to get sound sleep and get balanced pregnancy diet. You should be physically fit to keep yourself and your baby healthy through out the pregnancy period. There are also some problems you'll face being pregnant. One of the most obvious and inevitable one is weight gain.

Normally you cannot control weight gain during pregnancy and it can lead to other problem like expansion of waistline and appearance of stretch marks. Digestive problems and constipation might even be the results of weight gain. If its only stretch marks then you can use lotions easily available in the market. They are pretty good and have been proved effective in controlling and reducing stress marks.

Other serious problems are false pregnancy and pregnancy miscarriage. You should keep close look over you blood pressure and sugar level during these critical time. You should take lot of rest and get regular medical check ups to avoid high blood pressure and other ailments. You have to try to feel relaxed and might have to take medication if you cannot control your stress level. Think positive and feel happy. Allow yourself to get the good vibes, enjoy the experience of being pregnant and mentally convince yourself that you are not getting any problems. Then you'll see all the pregnancy problems will just fly by.

Exercise During Pregnancy: An Overview

Many expectant mothers realize that healthy nutrition and balanced active lifestyles enable them to have healthier pregnancies and newborns, and to get through the birthing process and labor more readily and easily. The level of your continued efforts will depend a lot on your pre-pregnancy fitness levels.

Exercise stimulates all the body’s systems and holistically speaking doing the right types of exercises can actually assist in the childbirth process, with all its challenges and obstacles.

Respiratory, muscular, circulatory, nervous system, lifting mood, positive hormones, balanced system can all benefit the reproductive processes, outcome. Not over-exerting yourself is key and depending on the types of sports, workouts that you prefer or are required, trimester, timing, fitness levels, condition and risk factors, your medical practitioner and fitness instructor will be able to advise and customize an exercise during pregnancy type workout, full-body, aerobic, stretching, toning, sculpting, breathing, relaxing will be alternated for optimal benefit.

Exercise also assists with mood and generally more positive feelings of being energized, more positive and not being victim to the physical signs and discomforts that threaten to overwhelm and control during the passage of nine months, It helps with painful joints, swollen ankles, keeps blood pressure in check. So whether in the gym, using equipment, or at home, taking a pre-natal yoga class, swimming, walking daily or at least 3-4 times a week, will leave you feeling more like yourself and less like a shapeless, oversized blimp.

As to which types of exercises is most suited, safe and gives the maximum benefit, will depend pretty much on the individual, as no two women or pregnancies for that matter are/will be the same. Ensure that you discuss your medical condition and risks with your medical care-giver or gynecology team before starting a new regimen or workout, or the level of strain, intensity and duration you and your pregnant body, fetus will be able to handle comfortable, without putting anyone or anything at increased risk. There is a myth and misconception that pregnancy and exercise do not mix, for it increases the risk for a miscarriage, there is no scientific evidence to support this hypothesis.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Risks And Rewards

There are many bonuses for mom and baby while continuing with exercise during pregnancy. When it comes to the rewards and risks involved with exercising while pregnant, there are arguments on both sides of the fence and everything in-between, from different interest groups and researchers, most with their own agendas, hypotheses (and products).

For the most part, the wonder of the human body is that it is designed to move. Even during, with and through the reproductive cycles, trimester stages and all phases of pregnancy.

With hormones raging, blood pressure rising, ankles and other extremities swelling, slower bowel movements, increased calorie intake and other such pleasures, related physical sings and symptoms of pregnancy, the need for exercise is greater than ever. All are better off if we burn fat and calories as well as manage, control and sustain a healthy weight. However, reduced calorie intake is not an option or recommended route while pregnant, as balanced nutrition allows for the growth and development of a healthy fetus and the birth of a perfect newborn, all intact.

You are growing a brain and incubating a little body in there, so ‘starving’ you or your baby is not an option during the next nine months. Gradual weight gain, in a healthy way, not through overeating or eating for two necessarily, will occur over time, as your body starts ‘showing’ that you are pregnant. The rewards of exercise while pregnant and during pregnancy (early, middle and later stages), in moderation, safely is not out of the question. Quite the contrary, it is an absolute necessity, essential for the health of both mom and baby.

Not warming up properly, not staying hydrated, not allowing your muscles to cool down can all be deemed not safe or healthy for anyone, but increasingly so for the pregnant physique and condition. Pay special attention to avoid risk or injury, slipping and falling, toppling over (your center of gravity has shifted and you have precious cargo).

Adjust and modify your exercise routine to bend, stretch, reach and tone differently. You can still pretty much do your full-body workout, aerobic, cardiac activities (if that is your preference), yoga, swimming, running/walking are all seen as relatively safe activity.

Most will tell you that pregnancy is no real impediment to exercise or routines, but small adjustments will be required to keep both mom and baby safe. You are putting more strain on your heart and lungs already with being pregnant, with the weight and volume of the growing uterus and fetus, amniotic fluid or sac etc., so just take it easy or easier on yourself and your body.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Exercises To Do

As to what types of exercises are best, safest, most recommended during pregnancy, stretching, toning, cardiac, aerobic activity, yoga, swimming, strengthening and building of muscle, working out all groups, pelvic, lower back, stomach, arms, legs, torso all come to mind (with modifications of course to accommodate the pregnant physique). There is no real deterrent, dangers or risks, more-so than at other times, except if it is a high-risk pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage, complications like pregnancy-onset or induced high blood pressure, heart disease or breathing type illnesses like asthma, diabetes and underlying medical conditions and complications to pay close attention to. Do nothing that could put the wellbeing and health of mom or baby at risk. That is a good rule of thumb that most practitioners and even fitness trainers will tell, apply, advise and adhere to themselves. There are no other reasons for not continuing your workout (albeit in a modified form). As the pregnancy progresses, the intensity, duration etc. will be changed accordingly, to help you remain fit and feeling wonderful, while also safely working out without risk of harm, injury or danger to mom or baby.

Chairs, exercise balls, steps, rolls, bands can all be used with great success. A yoga mat, towel to dry sweat (there will be more perspiration than normal, which will also increase the necessity of fluid intake and importance of hydration before, during and after workouts). Join a mom-and-babe, type pre-natal workout team, classes or specialty classes for moms-to-be. Not only is it good for the body, but also the mind and soul. Even weight training or lifting can be done safely with the support of a qualified trainer who can adjust the routines to your needs and condition, so there is still maximum benefit to be had. Niche trainers and workout sessions abound both online and offline. There are also exercise videos to download and buy that you can participate in, in the comforts of your own home. Get your birthing partner to support and help you as you bend, stretch, tone and workout. Preferably do not work out alone, for you might need that extra hand to get up, bend over etc. a good support sportsbra and even belly-support can really help you ‘carry the weight’ and protect those areas of your body that need it most during this precious time. Sweat and wrist bands, a heart-rate monitor, pedometer and water-filled sports-bottle, towel can all be considered ‘accessory’ must-haves for the pregnant exerciser.

There are also specialty equipment for pregnant moms, like massage type exercise balls, lighter weights that are easier to grip and handle and extra thick cushions or yoga mats supports, no-slip workout shoes with additional cushioning shock-absorbing and protective layers. Stretchy workout clothes, that helps you breathe and sweat easier are recommended too

Exercise During Pregnancy: Preparation and Warmups

Most people and individuals know that these things are of utmost importance even for normal workouts, so during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester or phase that you are in, requires some special attention. The body is dealing as best it can, with all the increased demands and physical signs and symptoms of being pregnant. It is a wonderful time and lots of things are happening to the physique and make up of your body. There are lots that can be done to accommodate, prepare and deal with these additional demands and needs while pregnant.

Different areas and systems are under increased demand for performance, energy, circulation and growth, while others take on supporting and preparatory roles, as you prepare for labor and delivery, enabling the growth and development of the fetus and staying healthy yourself.

Pregnancy is not an illness, but there are discomforts and realities to consider when you do opt to workout and stick to your daily, weekly exercise routines, workouts and classes (treadmill, stationary bikes, weights, abs-machines, high-intensity aerobics might not be in the cards for you, but with modifications and adjustments you can still get a full body-workout, work on target areas, like lower torso, abs, stomach, pelvic and hip muscles. They are not off-limits, will just be dealt with differently. Allowing some extra time to breathe, get oxygen-rich blood and air circulating throughout your body (it might take you a little longer to get ready and cool down at the beginning and end of your workout).

Your target heart-rate zone, might vary and be changed to accommodate your pregnant body as well. This is normal, standard and prudent to workout safely, risk-free, throughout the different stages of your pregnancy. Pure water, flavored (less to no sports-drinks), fruit-juice like orange, apple, tropical smoothies, after workouts can go along way to keep you hydrated, boost circulation and cool you down, quench your thirst and replenish your body.

The more stretching and warming up your do for/of your muscles, the better as they are under pressure to deliver more literally speaking, so using your warm-ups to work out safely can also help you down the road, in labor and delivery, capture and embrace the opportunity to flex, prepare and stretch those muscles groups and target areas one and all.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Fitness And Treatment Teams

When you are working out as a pregnant women, either in early, middle or late pregnancy, it is best to consult with a physician, workout professional, establish a workout, fitness and treatment team that can help you be, stay and work out safely, with no increased risk of injury, harm, danger etc.

The reality is that your body shape, weight, even center of gravity has shifted, changed and requires adjustments and modifications of your workout environment, dynamics, exercise types, equipment and need of/for support while completing your workout. There are great opportunities to work out with other moms-to-be and expectant couples, birthing partners and loved ones during this time. Specialty mom and tot, pre-natal, birthing preparation type workouts are quite the niche market for you to freely tap into. There are in-person, home, gym or custom type workouts and fitness routines for the pregnant body and mom to review. Video, DVD, online demonstrations, dedicated fitness or personal trainer can add some additional insights and support for you during this time.

If your medical treatment, birthing and fitness team can work together (even if this just means you and your doctor, midwife, partner etc.), can form part of your labor and delivery priorities and preparation, helping to keep both mom and baby-to-be, in good health. Using your metabolism, to cope with the increased calorie intake, ballooning weight (due to pregnancy, this is deemed healthy and normal, as you will typically gain between 25-35 during your pregnancy). This is not the time to diet or starve yourself, rack up your workouts to lose weight. That is the wrong orientation and choice to make under the circumstance and not having the priorities straight. Focus attention rather on being healthy and having a good, risk-free pregnancy and birth, until the wee one is welcomed into the world. Post-labor workouts can help you get back in shape faster after the fact.

Other niche and specialty pregnancy, pre-natal yoga, swimming and workout, fitness professionals can help you make the most of each trimester, while coping with the demands and special requirements of the pregnant body during these times and as you progress throughout your pregnancy, from first month, first trimester, through to close to your due date, after labor and delivery.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Precautions And Safety Measures

When you are working out as a pregnant, expectant mom-to-be, the most important aspect of your workouts, regimen, intensity, duration, format etc. will always be to listen and be aware of what your body is telling you. Working out safely is more important during this time than at any other time.

Also consider getting someone or others to join in that you minimize the risk of injury and then being by yourself, with no-one to help you out, getting up, bending over etc. Support, partnering, fun can make these daily activity sessions a blast, even if it is just walking around the neighborhood.

Your pre-pregnancy fitness level, health, pregnancy progress, any underlying medical conditions, risks, complications like pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, early contractions, spotting, leaking or vaginal bleeding, water breaking or premature rupture of your membranes, amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus at risk) can all determine your level, type, intensity, if at all, duration, frequency and involvement in exercise routines, customized workouts, classes, pre-natal step-classes, hydra-activities (water, like swimming) and/or low-impact aerobic or cardiac type workouts.

Adjustments and modifications will be made during pregnancy to help you workout with confidence, without undue risk, harm or danger. If you did not work out at all prior to getting pregnant, now is the time to work in 30-40 minutes of walking every day and you will be surprised at having more energy, feeling better and having more stamina in no time! You are building and investing in your strength, metabolism and tuning your body, prepping it for what lies ahead during and after labor and delivery. Always discuss any plans you have in the fitness department with your doctor and treatment professional. If you have diabetes, heart disease or breathing type illnesses be sure to consult with the treatment team/individuals first, prior to taking on any customized daily or occasional workout, class or activity. Limiting exercise will have to prescribed in some cases.

Kegels for strengthening your pelvic muscles can be something anyone and everyone can do, contracting, flexing these can reduce incontinence and increase bladder control due to the baby pressing on the bladder during pregnancy. They can be done anywhere and everywhere, not holding your breath, not using the other muscles in the area, just them, the sensation being as if you are going through a cycle of starting and stopping urinating. Simulate that movement to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help you with labor and delivery. Do things gradually over time, wear safe clothing and sturdy, slip-proof shoes and never work out when you are ill, rather opting to stay indoors if it is too hot outside to go for a safe walk.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Types Of Exercises Recommended

Some of the most commonly activities that pregnant women can do with confidence and peace of mind, include activities like dancing, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, pilates, biking, or walking. A combination regimen (especially if pre-pregnancy fitness and daily workouts are routine), including some scaled back cardio (aerobic), strength training, with stretching, flexing and flexibility exercises, building muscle, can be recommended and endorsed with peace of mind, whether you are beginning, mid-stream or entering the last phases of the pregnancy.

Walking is the most commonly advised and easily done, even if women feel bloated, winded, huge and not up to the task. It is great for the human body to be in motion and anything that can get your heart pumping, lungs filling with oxygen, while having fun, being out in nature with pets, family, friends, can even lift your mood, while improving the fitness level all-round.

Sports requiring balance will pose a danger and increase risk for injury and pregnant women are best advised to cease these until after delivery and a period of healing for your body, allowing the center of gravity to return.

Energy levels will also vary during the day, so be sure to not push too hard, beyond, despite fatigue , dizziness or any heart palpitations, shortness of breath or any pains. Do not push your heart rate target zone over the 160 beats per minute level.

There is a correlation between birth defects and too quick rising body temperatures, so keep it constant and do not work out on hot humid days, staying hydrated and cool. No sit ups, no heavy weights or lifting as this increases the risk of tearing, leaking, even miscarriage.

As a pregnant exerciser be smart and wiser in the choices of the sports, hobbies, activities and workouts that you prefer and partake in. Do things in moderation and be safe. NEVER put yourself or the baby in harms way can be your rule of thumb. Think before you do!

Most experts would advise against any of the following during any of the three trimesters of your pregnancy:

- avoiding any type of activity that could pose a risk of abdominal injury
- bouncing
- jarring
- jumping rope or lunging, leaping forward or over obstacles
- Marathons (walking or running)
- No contact sports
- No downhill skiing
- No scuba diving
- spinning classes or any activity that involves movement up and down
- sports that require you to change direction quickly, increasing risk of slip, falls, injuries etc.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Workout Tips

Other general guidelines for things to do to protect yourself and the best types of activities during pregnancy workouts:

Avoid becoming extremely winded or out of breath as you are not only depriving yourself of oxygen, but also your fetus
Never push the limits (like you are used to), exercising to or beyond the point of exhaustion.
Try to stay away from any type of exercising that can allow you to trip and fall, bend over, stretch too much, put any pressure on your abdomen. Horseback riding will probably not a allowed or even a good idea.
You can still continue with aerobics and even step-classes, cardio-type workouts, but as your pregnancy progresses, you will have to adjust the requirement, equipment, intensity and duration (lowering all).

If any of the following occurs during, or after your workout, stop immediately, without delay and see your treatment professional regarding symptoms, danger, risk, aggravating, possible miscarriage, harm or injury DO NOT IGNORE OR DIMISS ANY OF THESE MANIFESTATION, SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS:

- Feeling faint, lowered blood pressure, dizziness or lightheadedness
- Any fluid leaking from your vagina
- A racing heartbeat
- Forms of chest pain (even pain in your arms, or upper torso)
- Any weird sensation, tingling, unfamiliar or unusual pain anywhere in your body
- Any abdominal pain
- Breathing issues, problems, unusual shortness of breath or difficulty getting oxygen into your lungs
- Any uterine contractions or loss of bladder control

Yoga and pilates are garnishing increased mainstream support and are toted as great alternatives to continue or get into for pregnant women, with elements that can assist you with the birthing process and preparations for labor and delivery, post-delivery recovery, getting your body and strength back, stamina, endurance, dealing effectively with pain, naturally and so much more. Easily accessible, affordable, with minimum equipment. There are different types of yoga, through which expectant moms can improve their mood, stress-levels, mental alertness, focus, flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina.

Fitness centers, birthing centers, some clinics and hospital, gyms, private tailored specialty classes and workout sessions customized for you in your home, supervised or self-managed can do wonders.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Working Exercise In

There are so many aspects of prenatal care, pregnancy, birthing preparatory steps to pay attention to, partners, labor and delivery, formats, pain management, what to pack, what to do, that many miss out on the wonderful phase and activities that can make these processes and outcomes that much more enjoyable, joyous, hassle-free and shared life-moment that will last a lifetime.

Not only are expectant moms (dads-to-be), rushing around, worried, stressed, they cannot capitalize on what partnering with birthing partners, working out as part of birth preparations, attend prenatal workouts, classes, hydra-therapy, enjoying the buoyancy and weightlessness the water provides, calm, tranquility, deep breathing of yoga and Pilates types workouts, with support and interaction with others in the same boat, lifts spirits and moods and ensures a balanced, healthier pregnancy all-round.

It is a well-known fact that nutrition, diet, food choices, balanced eating habits, more fresh produce and such habits are good for expectant moms, as are increased, continued physical activity, no medications, smoking, alcohol or drug use affect pregnancy from start to finish. Put another way, paying attention to weight loss (pre-pregnancy priority), healthy weight level, sustaining, management and control, as well as combining it with regular physical activity levels, assist in reducing problems and complications, even making coping with labor-and-delivery pains better, just all-round improvement and benefits, for both mother and fetus during as well as after pregnancy.

Therefore making maintaining a healthy weight, both before and during pregnancy, as well as regular daily activity, physical exercise, workouts, sports, hobbies, walking, swimming etc. can help to reduce stress on the mother's body and lower the risk of certain disorders of pregnancy.

If it is a top priority being active before and during pregnancy, with the approval and insight, consultation of your health and fitness care provider, and not putting the health and wellbeing of mom/baby at risk, can actually help women maintain their healthy weight, as well as significantly improve the function of the circulatory, cardiovascular, and skeletal systems. Which can also assist in getting back to normalcy sooner in the post-delivery phase and having better, speedier recovery and no complications.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Focus On Wellbeing

When you exercise and workout as a pregnant woman, you can tap into a wide array of benefits, regardless of which trimester you are in, early or late, pre-labor, post-delivery. Exercise and tailored workout routines, can very easily relieve backaches and lower back pain specifically associated with carrying that extra weight around in your precious belly.

Avoid, counteract and reduce any aggravated or serious constipation, stimulate blood flow and circulation throughout the body, Improve digestion, fight heartburn, accelerate any movement in your intestines and through the digestive system.
Do not merely start an exercise routine, while/during pregnancy, without discussing it with your treatment professional(s).

Exercise during pregnancy will make you more conscious of deliberately improving your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs. These types of exercises will also prepare you better for what lies ahead in labor and delivery as you enter the final stages of the nine-month journey.
If you gain less fat during your pregnancy, losing whatever you did gain, is not that big of a deal.

Impact, exertion level, complexity, risk, type of exercise, solely performed, or with support of equipment or another person, heart-rate, underlying medical conditions, fitness levels, risk to the fetus, all play into what is most appropriate for which trimester. Every mom and pregnancy will be different, so proceed with caution, especially for high-risk pregnancies.

Exercise and workouts, any physical activity for that matter will and can act as an instant stress reliever, that helps you look, feel and even sleep better. Controlled breathing is such a key element, especially in natural child birth, that the more you can practice and hone this skill, the better off you will most likely be. If the labor process is extended, lengthy and/or drawn out, then you will benefit from stamina and endurance, fueled by all the healthy preparation and exercises, workouts you put your body through, while waiting and getting ready.

Most women can easily, without much consultation and supervision, continue to exercise as normal/typical for them (at least in the very beginning) This does assume that you were active and had a routine, regimen before the pregnancy.

Protect your joints, wrists and ankles, as they are more vulnerable during pregnancy, softening significantly attributed to the hormonal fluctuations in the body, which is all part of the normal process.

You will not be losing any weight while working out while pregnant as this is not the goal or neither should it be your priority. Rather focus on your overall health, well-being, a healthy pregnancy and baby, maintaining your pre-pregnancy fitness level throughout pregnancy.

Exercise During Pregnancy: An Overview

Your main perspective, focus, goals should be not to lose weight while exercising during pregnancy , but to have a healthy nine months and baby, stay fit, have mental and physical control, overall positive attitude, well-being, increased flexibility, and stronger muscles, to help you cope with every step of the way a little better, every day, week and month, before, during and after your pregnancy, labor and delivery (even after and through recovery)! There are lots that can be done to prepare best/better, more, faster, for labor, delivery, and postpartum recovery.

Exercise during pregnancy can alleviate stress, symptoms, physical challenges and obstacles, associated with pregnancy, such as sciatica, fatigue, swelling, and aiding digestion. The real value of these types of regular exercise, fitness and activity priorities, even pre-natal classes uplift and inspire mothers to deeply connect with themselves, be aware of their pregnant bodies, be in touch with the developing new life and baby growing inside and overall prepares expectant moms for this new journey and phase of life. There are many benefits, risks and reward, safety precautions and measures to take, types of activities to indulge and partake in to reap full promise, potential and opportunity. It is of the utmost importance that expectant moms, those who are considering getting pregnant, never over-exert yourself or put your body or baby at risk.

Consult with your doctor, physiotherapist or health care professional ensuring that any and all of the exercise routines and workouts, types of activities that you have selected or chosen from, enjoy, want to pursue, won’t cause harm to you or your unborn baby.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Rewards and Risks

Endorphins are wonderful natural substances in the body that makes any workout a useful and significant experience, benefit to the body. You need to however, partake and commit to doing it regularly, as many times as 3-4 times per week.
Goals, variety, fun type activities are more likely easier to get done, if you do things that you have an affinity for, interest in and enjoy!
Stay focused and used all aspects of the different combinations, activities, hobbies, sports, routines that you are involved in, to get the best, optimal benefit form it. Working with a trainer or doing it yourself, there are many options. The choice is yours.

First and foremost if you have any underlying health conditions, issues, concerns, disease or problems, rather refrain and abstain from rigorous activity that can place mom and/or baby at increased risk. That defeats the purpose and outweighs the benefits.

If you are aware of any orthopedic problems, special needs, high risk, complications type pregnancy, blood sugar issues, heart disease, breathing type illness, low or high blood pressure, you may have to consult with both your doctor and/or the fitness expert/instructor before the class or any type of activity when you are pregnant. Do not assume, make sure, verify what will be done, if it is safe, the benefits and weight the risk/reward scale, before starting a new or any regimen.

Go at your own individual, preferred and personal ability, pace and listen to the warning signs the body provides. Do not over-exert, risk, hurt or injure yourself, your abdomen or your baby. Plan your workouts and daily priorities, building the activities and routines into your everyday things you have to do. More sessions spread out throughout the day might benefit you more. 15 -20 minutes at a time, twice a day, may be just what the doctor ordered and easier to stick to , than trying to get away to the gym for and hour and a half!

Exercise During Pregnancy: Types Of Exercises

Stick to what you know, do best and what you have evidence of will work and is safe for you, your fitness level, pregnancy etc. not putting the mom or baby at risk in any way, shape or form. Timing for/of workout sessions will vary. Find your metabolic pulse, early morning, midday, late night, then team up with someone – a fitness buddy or birthing partner that can workout alongside, spend time with and enjoy what you are doing.
Be consistent and stick to your routines, plans and activities throughout the pregnancy, early, mid or later, just adjusting and modifying what you are doing, to allow for the changes and demands that your belly places on the rest of you!

Do not deplete all your energy and listen to the warning or telltale signs that your body is giving to you. If you skip a workout for feeling tire, fatigued, not up to it, do not be too hard on yourself. Be particularly careful if you are dealing with medical issues like gestational diabetes, hypertension, multiple fetuses, have a history or an increased risk of premature labor, pre-eclampsia or heart disease. If any of these complications and challenges are present in or during pregnancy, mothers-to-be will be well advised to steer clear of any type of exercise.

Exercise During Pregnancy: Preparation, Warmups And More

Balance and loss of it are key realities to bear in minds while exercising during pregnancy and most women will rather follow advice to avoid things like avoid riding horses, motorcycles or snowmobiles for the duration of their nine month pregnancy journey. Fitness and Treatment Teams (trainer, medical professionals, Other Moms) can all have a positive role to play in this life and reproductive phase, processes and outcome.

Watch your body temperature and hydrate, do not overheat, especially in early pregnancy, first weeks, first trimester when development is at its most fragile, and the baby sensitive to extreme temperatures. Do not work out if you are feeling under the weather, are not up to it. Do not deprive your body of oxygen while working out by holding your breath, inhale and exhale normally. Remember, whatsoever you subject your body to, you are also exposing your baby to. Wear comfortable clothes, pick a safe, non-slip environment, use supports and training equipment specifically that can assist you with your shifting sense and center of gravity.

Warm up and cool down properly. Build strength, endurance and stamina at your pace and on your terms as an expectant mom. Modify and tailor workouts, types of activities to suit your needs, trimester, phase and stage, fitness-level and unique pregnancy. Swimming or walking (or alternating both), can be great, even for those who have not been exercising regularly, pre-pregnancy. Discuss with your caregiver, birth partner and such, even your doctor about creating an exercise program designed , customize and adapted for you, your needs, your goals. You could consider using a treadmill, exercise bike or swimming, to get your target heart rate up and enjoy a variety of activities to keep you going and sticking with it.

So, it does not take much to see and make a case for exercising while pregnant. It is fashionable, trendy and the in thing for mothers-to-be to do, but it is also so much more than mere Fad, Myth, Trend, Statement, personal obsession or commitment, it is a solid profitable investment in a Healthy Nine Months, with a high ROR (rate of return)!

Exercise During Pregnancy: Precautions And Safety Measures

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, here are some guidelines as to what to do and not to do when exercising while pregnant:

Stop exercising and consult a midwife or doctor if any , some or all of the following signs and symptoms manifest itself bleeding, cramping, faintness, dizziness or severe joint, lower back or abdominal pain.

Avoid laying flat on your back after sixteen weeks into your pregnancy, the growing uterus, in effect compresses a major blood vessel , restricting blood flow back to the mother’s heart and to the baby.

Be sensible about what you do when, how much, intensity, duration etc. Comfortably breathing, not bating for breath, at anaerobic (or breathless) pace. You should be able, no matter what type of exercise or activity you do, to still breathe easy and talk, have a conversation with someone else without hassle or discomfort, trying to catch your breath all the time. Tone it down at that point.